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Group: Chapel Talks: Tad Roach, Media Type: Documents


Chapel Talk, 2009 September 13 / Tad Roach

At the fall St. Anne's Sunday Service, Headmaster Tad Roach addresses how individual achievement alone does not serve the whole, but relinquishing the ego and putting others ahead of yourself serves the greater good.

Chapel Talk, 2009 May 17 / Tad Roach

In the May 2009 issue of The Atlantic, Joshua Wolf Shenk described a Harvard study that followed 268 men for 72 years with the objective to find out why some men flourish while others fade...

Chapel Talk, 2009 January 14 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach speaks about the 10,000 hours that is required to achieve mastery over a subject, whether it is academic, competitive, or in character development.

Chapel Talk, 2008 November 5 / Tad Roach

In speaking of the 2008 election of Barack Obama, Tad discusses issues of segregation and racism in America. He quotes extensively from Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates.

Chapel Talk, 2007 September 9 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach commemorates the events of September 11, 2001, and reflects on a passage from the bible: "None of you can become my disciple unless you give up all your possessions.”

Chapel Talk, 2006 May 21 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach bids farewell to the class of 2006, and challenges the student body - the seniors, as they enter college and underclassmen as they uphold the mission of the school - to continue the spirit of civic engagement.

Chapel Talk, 2006 May 14 / Tad Roach

During the Arts Weekend Chapel Service, Headmaster Tad Roach contemplates the role of competition in the academic, athletic, and the broader world beyond St. Andrew's. Competition at its best can inspire innovation, creativity and excellence...

Chapel Talk, 2005 November 20 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach addresses visitors from St. Anne's Church, calling the Episcopal Church to action in this ever-changing political climate of the world. Roach praises the goals set by the current St...

Chapel Talk, 2005 March / NYC Alumni Service / Tad Roach

At an alumni gathering in New York City at St. Mary the Virgin Church, Tad spoke about teaching English and specifically teaching Philip Roth's book, The Plot Against America. Tad spoke in depth about the relationship between Mrs...

Chapel Talk, 2005 May 22 / Tad Roach

During the spring Old St. Anne's service, Headmaster Tad Roach acknowledges Jay Hutchinson and Dave DeSalvo for their spiritual guidance and leading us through the rituals of religious life at the school...

Chapel Talk, 2005 February 11 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach reflects on the relationship that was forged years ago between St. Anne's Church and St. Andrew's School. He speaks of his leadership in an Episcopal Church school that is often faced with many challenges that impact the school...

Chapel Talk, 2005 November 2 / Tad Roach

In speaking of the partnership with the Prep 9 program, Headmaster Tad Roach reflects on the civil rights movement and the "dawning recognition of the evils of segregation and prejudice, private schools began to contemplate offering places within the..

Chapel Talk, 2005 September 11 / Tad Roach

Headmaster, Tad Roach addresses the congregation at Old St. Anne's Church. He speaks of this summer where he spent studying and analyzing the early sections of "The Plot Against America."

Chapel Talk, 2005 April 6 / Tad Roach

In this talk, Tad Roach, speaks to us about his reasoning for talking about sex in the opening meeting of the spring. He goes on to tell us of actual events that he experienced while at St...

Chapel Talk, 2004 May 9: Remarks on Iraq / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach's talk, given on Mothers Day 2004, is a reaction to the revelation of the abuses and torture imposed on the detainees of the Iraq War at Abu Ghraib. Reporters Seymour Hersh, Thomas Friedman, Philip Kennicott are quoted.

Chapel Talk, 2003 April 2 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach gave this talk 2 weeks after the invasion of Iraq by American forces in March 2003. The talk explores the situation in Iraq as reported to the American people by the George W. Bush Administration and by the media...

Chapel Talk, 2003 September 11 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach commemorates the events of September 11, 2001. This Chapel Talk discusses American involvement and response to the War on Terror, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...