Chapel Talk, 2004 September 12 / Tad Roach
Daniel T. Roach
Headmaster Tad Roach commemorates the events of September 11, 2001, and reflects on the current state of affairs 3 years later. "Because of 9-11 we declared war, we accepted the sacrifice of civil liberties at home and the gross violation of human rights standards in Guantanamo Bay and Iraq. The phrase 9-11 became a weapon, a threat, a warning to those who disagreed with war, with blind patriotism. The day September 11 brought the United States together with the world community. 9-11 and its aftermath brought the United States to a pursuit of war in Iraq based on incorrect assumptions and faculty intelligence; this led to a sense of stark international isolationAmericans feel today. If September 11 appealed to what is best in human nature, 9-11 appealed to our fears, our desire for a quick fix, a simple solution."