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Collection: Sports Teams, Media Type: Documents


Bob Colburn's Scrapbooks: Father and Son, 1984

From Bob Colburn's baseball scrapbook, 1977 - 1986:

A News Journal supplement did a feature on Bob Colburn and his son Bruce, May 10, 1984.

May 20, 1984 - The News Journal covers St. Andrew's win over Cape...

Bob Colburn's Scrapbooks: Coach Colburn's 100th Win

From Bob Colburn's baseball scrapbook, 1964-1976:

Newspaper clipping that reports on St. Andrew's loss to Seaford, 1976

April 28, 1976 clipping from the News Journal about Coach Colburn's 100th win at St...

Bob Colburn's Scrapbooks: The Brothers Five, 1965

From Bob Colburn's football scrapbook, 1961 - 1968:

The Evening News published an article on November 23, 1965 about St. Andrew's sending 5 players to the All-Star Independent Conference team...

Bob Colburn's Scrapbooks: lobbying for Coach Reyner, 1965

From Bob Colburn's football scrapbook, 1961 - 1968:

On November 29, 1965, Matt Zabitka of The Morning News wrote a response to Edward Strong's ('66) objections to Zabitka's prediction that Tower Hill's Jim Garvin would win Coach of the Year over ..

Bob Colburn's Scrapbooks: Court's 2nd No Hitter, April 1962

From Bob Colburn's baseball scrapbook, 1961 - 1963:

Clipping from The May 1962 issue of The Cardinal

Clipping from The Morning News, April 11, 1962 -- discusses Larry Court's no hitter.

Clipping from the same Cardinal issue, discussing Larr..