The Robert M. Colburn Football Award recognized players who served as inspirations to their teammates through their selflessness, determination, perseverance and good sportsmanship. Honorees for the Robert M...
In 2017, The Junior Varsity Golden Boot was created to honor the leading scorer on the JV soccer team. Honorees are listed by year in the attached document.
In 1940, The Hopkins-Duffy Trophy for Outstanding Service to Junior Varsity Baseball was created. Honorees are listed by year in the attached document.
The Hutton Varsity Baseball Batting Prize, named after faculty member and baseball coach Hamilton M. Hutton (1931 - 1948) was created in 1935. Honorees and their batting averages are listed by year in the attached document.
The Rifle Club's Vafakos Award, named for club advisor Mr. Vafakos, was created in 1971. Honorees for the Vafakos Award are listed by year in the attached document.
Awarded annually in honor of William S. Speers, beloved English teacher and coach at the school from 1979 - 2019, to the boy and girl squash players that best demonstrate the qualities that Mr...
Awarded annually in honor of William S. Speers, beloved English teacher and coach at the school from 1979 - 2019, to the boy and girl squash players that best demonstrate the qualities that Mr...