Diana Honey '19, Danny Lee '19, Enok Choe '19, and Nick Loh '19 received the 2021 Larry L. Walker Prize for Orchestral Music (awarded to the students who have made outstanding contributions to the orchestra). This photo is taken on Awards Night.
Mia Beams '19 and Alex Qian '19, along with Bilal Morsi '19 received the 2019 Larry L. Walker Prize for for Jazz Ensemble (awarded to the student(s) who has made outstanding contributions to the Jazz Ensemble).
Yihan "Hans" Shen presents his research project on how STEM cells might be used as a cure for aging at the 2019 McLean Science Lecture Competition. Hans's presentation was declared the winner.
The Choir Prize is awarded to the VI Former who has contributed the most to the success and development of the choral program. The 2019 Choir Prize was awarded to Augustine Segger.
Bilal Morsi receives a hug from Theatre Director Ann Taylor, while Story Hentoff and Cristle Ike wait to receive their Drama Prizes on Awards Night 2019.