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Group: Chapel Talks: Jon O'Brien

Chapel Talk, 1997 April 9 / Jon O'Brien

Headmaster Jon O'Brien laments the turn of the tide, where he sees more students spending time on the computer or in front of the TV instead of enjoying the beauty of nature. The message is simple: go outside, kids.

Chapel Talk, 1996 May 1 / Jon O'Brien

Headmaster Jon O'Brien finally answers to the accusations that St. Andrew's School tries to mold their students to their specifications. Guilty as charged!..

Chapel Talk, 1996 October 30 / Jon O'Brien

Headmaster Jon O'Brien discusses the evolution of faculty/senior leadership within St. Andrew's - how we moved away from harsh authoritative system to a more supportive community of senior guidance and faculty involvement.

Chapel Talk, 1995 February 15 / Jon O'Brien

Headmaster Jon O'Brien recounts the events that lead to his decision to become a teacher. He encourages the student body to find a pursuit that they can believe in, rather than just settling on something that provides financial gain.