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Collection: Sports Teams, Media Type: Documents


All Conference Players - Football

In 1958 St. Andrew's School joined the Independent School Conference. Included in the attached file are the list of players from 1962 to 2011...

Coaches Records - Girls' Tennis

In 1975 St. Andrew's joined the Delaware Independent Conference. Included in the attached file are the list of coaches from 1975 to 2012...

All Conference Players - Basketball

In 1971 St. Andrew's School joined the Independent School Conference. Included in the attached file are the list of players from 1971 to 2011...

Coaches Records - Girls' Squash

In 1978 St. Andrew's had it's first squash season. Elizabeth O'Brien was the first head coach in 1978, followed by Will Speers in 1979. Included in the attached file are the list of coaches from 1978 to 2011...

Coaches Records - Boys' Football

In 1930 was St. Andrew's School first football season with head coach J.N.MacInnes. St. Andrew's joined the Independent Conference in 1958. Included in the attached file are the list of coaches from 1930 to 2012...

Bob Colburn's Scrapbooks: Baseball, 1961 - 1963

The attached document is Bob Colburn's personal scrapbook for baseball, from 1961 until 1963. The book includes newspaper clippings from The Cardinal and local Delaware newspapers, photos, and stats.

Individual and Team Records - Football

Included in the attached file are the list of individual and team records from 1961 to 2011. These records have been compiled throughout the years by long-time baseball coach and athletic director, Bob Colburn.

Individual and Team Records - Boys' and Girls' Soccer

St. Andrew's boys' soccer had their best team record of 12-1 in 1973. The girls' best team record of 9-1-1 was in 1996. Included in the attached file are the list of individual and team records from 1961 to 2011...

Sports Record - Boys' Basketball Records

St. Andrew's joined the first interscholastic season in the year 1936-1937. These reports comprise of coaches records. These records have been compiled throughout the years by long-time baseball coach and athletic director, Bob Colburn.

Individual Record - Girls' Cross Country

Meaghan Keeley holds the first school course record of 20:58 at St. Andrew's on October 13, 1998. Following in close second was Megan Schuller with 21:25 on the same day...