This photo was identified by Joy McGrath '92 as follows: "Emer O'Dwyer '92 and Sara Wilson '92 - this would have been early-ish in our career...maybe taken in 89 or 90."
John Schoonover, class of '63 identified the photo as Dave McCrystal '88 in middle ( to right of fellow drinking water ) and JP Blandin '88 2nd from left, who were on the 1988 Baseball team .
This photo was identified by Peter Hoopes '89. "Kneeling on far left is Harrison Braxton '88, #18 is Alex Varga '88, #7 is J.P. Blandin '88, #6 is Jeff Trabaudo '88 and #12 is Dave McCrystal '88."
This 1988 photograph of competitive rower and coach, Ripley Greppin, shows her cheering on her girls' novice boat on Noxontown Pond. Ripley also worked as an admissions officer and taught religious studies.
This photo was identified by Don Fletcher '87. "From left to right - John Guthery, Peter Laird, J.C. Branner. All class of 1987. Probably taken in the fall of 1986."
This photo was borrowed from a post in the St. Andrew's Alumni Facebook page. Michael Atalay '84 drove to St. Andrew's over the summer to meet soccer legend Pelé, who was hosting a camp on campus.
This photo of the 1983 Varsity Boys' Crew as they display their three prize trophies, the Waldy Pell Cup, the Krenshaw Trophy and the Noxontown Plate...
This photo was identified by Andy Shriver '83: "#23 is Mara Burnett '84, #24 is Gail Wright '84. This picture was most likely taken in the fall of 1982."