Playbill: "The Drowsy Chaperone" / performed 2017 February - Winter Musical 2017 Document The program for the 2017 winter musical production of "The Drowsy Chaperone."
Web article, 2016 April 10: "Thirteen Saints Make All-State Band & Orchestra" 2016 Document St. Andrew's School instrumentalists had a strong showing in the Delaware's All-State student music festivals this year. This article originally appeared on the St. Andrew's website.
Playbill: "The Crucible" / Performed 2016 February - Winter Play 2016 Document The program for the 2016 winter play production of "The Crucible."
Playbill: "Into the Woods" / performed 2016 February - Winter Musical 2016 Document The program for the winter musical production of "Into the Woods."
Playbill: "Tom Jones" / performed 2016 May - Arts Weekend 2016 Document The program from the 2016 Arts Weekend production of "Tom Jones."
Playbill: "Godspell" / Performed 2015 February - Winter Musical 2015 Document The program for the winter musical production of "Godspell."
Playbill: "The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later" / Performed 2015 May - Arts Weekend 2015 Document The program of the Arts Weekend production of "The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later."
Playbill: "Flowers for Algernon" / performed 2015 October - Parents Weekend 2015 Document The program from the Parents Weekend production of "Flowers for Algernon."
Playbill: "The Man Who Came to Dinner" / Performed 2014 October - Parents Weekend 2014 Document The program for the 2014 Parents Weekend production of "The Man Who Came to Dinner."
Playbill: "Kiss Me Kate" / Performed 2014 February - Winter Musical 2014 Document The program for the 2014 winter musical production of "Kiss Me Kate."
Playbill: "Alice Threw the Looking Glass" / performed 2014 February - Winter Play 2014 Document The program for the 2014 winter play production of "Alice Threw the Looking Glass."
Web article, 2014 May 2: "Three Students Selected for All-Eastern Band and Orchestra Festival" 2014 Document Alphonso Ramirez '15, Evan Zhong '15 and Chris Gsell '15 have been selected to the All-Eastern and orchestra Festival. This article originally appeared on the St. Andrew's website.
Playbill: "Pride and Prejudice" / performed 2014 February - Winter Play 2014 Document The program from the winter play production of "Pride and Prejudice."
Playbill: "Dreams and Nightmares: One-Act Comedies by David Ives and Christopher Durang" / performed 2013 May - Arts Weekend 2013 Document The playbill from the 2013 Arts Weekend performance of "Dreams and Nightmares: One-Act Comedies by David Ives and Christopher Durang."
Web article, 2013 March 27: "Ten Students Represent St. Andrew's in All-State Orchestra" 2013 Document Ten string players from the SAS Orchestra performed with the All-State Orchestra in an hour-long concert in Dover. This article originally appeared on the St. Andrew's website.
Playbill: "The Pirates of Penzance (or, The Slave of Duty)" / Performed 2013 February - Winter Musical 2013 Document Presented by The St. Andrew's Theatre. Actors: Brandt Bates, Jeremy Brown-Adams, Charlotte Cece, Moniher Deb, Mr. Dave DeSalvo, Mason Dufresne, Jessie Duncanm Sam Fox, Martin French, Mr. Terence Gilheany, Matthew Gore, Lily Hain, Megan Hasse, Mr...
Web article, 2012 January 3: "The Noxontones Earn Trip to Mid-Atlantic Regionals of International Championship of High School A Cappella" 2012 Document The Noxontones earn a trip to the semifinals of the 2012 ICHSS. This article originally appeared on the St. Andrew's website.
Web article, 2012 April 8: "St. Andrew's Hosts 5th Annual Solo & Ensemble Festival" 2012 Document In addition to hosting the event, St. Andrew's had a number of students in the Winner's Circle Recital. This article originally appeared on the St. Andrew's website.
Playbill: "The Rimers of Eldritch" / performed 2012 October - Parents Weekend 2012 Document The playbill from the 2012 Parents Weekend production of "The Rimers of Eldritch."
Playbill: "Wonder of the World" / Performed 2012 February - Winter Play 2012 Document This is a program from the winter play production of David Lindsay-Abaire's "Wonder of the World."
Web article, 2012 December 13: "John Suh '13 Wins Delaware Senior Solo Competition" 2012 Document John Suh '13 wins the 2012 Senior Solo competition, the most prestigious statewide competion for high school musicians in Delaware. This article originally appeared on the St. Andrew's website.
Playbill: "Curtains" / Performed 2012 February - Winter Musical 2012 Document The program for the winter musical production of "Curtains."
Web article, 2012 February 2: "Actor David Hyde Pierce Checks in with the Cast and Crew of 'Curtains'" 2012 Document The cast and crew of "Curtains" were treated to conversation with award-winning actor David Hyde Pierce. This article originally appeared on the St. Andrew's website.
Web article, 2011 March 25: "Musicians Katherine Haroldson '12 & Courtney Chang '12 Earn National Honors" 2011 Document Cellist Katherine Haroldson '12 and violinist Courtney Chang '12 earn substantial recognition. This article originally appeared on the St. Andrew's website.
Playbill: "Blithe Spirit" / Performed 2011 February - Winter Play 2011 Document This is a program from the winter play production of "Blithe Spirit" by Noel Coward. This program has sustained some water damage.
Web article, 2011 January 12: "Ten Students Earn All-State Orchestra Honors" 2011 Document Ten students in the St...
Web article, 2011 March 4: "Winter Musical, Babes in Arms, Lights Up Forbes Theater" 2011 Document A recap of the Winter Musical performed in Forbes Theater on February 17-18, 2011. This article originally appeared on the St. Andrew's website.
Cast List : "Babes in Arms" / Performed 2011 February - Winter Musical 2011 Document Cast list of the 2011 performance of "Babes in Arms".
Playbill: "SHOCK, or the Unexpected: An Evening of One-Act Plays" / Performed 2010 May - Arts Weekend 2010 Document The program from the Arts Weekend production of "SHOCK, or the Unexpected: an Evening of One-Act Plays." This program has some water damage.
Web article, 2010 February 8: "The Real Inspector Hound" / performed 2010 February - Winter Theater 2010 Document Winter Theater performed "The Real Inspector Hound" in February 2010 and gave St. Andreans a chance to display its comedic chops. This article originally appeared on the St. Andrew's website.
Web article, 2010 February 22: "'Peanuts' Comedy in the Forbes Theater" 2010 Document "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" brings laughs to Forbes Theater. This article originally appeared on the St. Andrew's website.