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Collection: Student Arts, Media Type: Audio Recordings

Audio Recordings(76)

Audio: Orchestra, 2010 December 10 | "Stille Nacht"

This is the fourth of five pieces performed by the Orchestra in a St. Andrew's Student Recital, Friday, December 10, 2010. Director, Fred Geiersbach. The following students took part in this recital: 1st Violin: Courtney Chang '12...

Audio: Student Recital, 2010 February 23 | "Apres Un Reve"

This is the ninth of ten pieces performed in a St. Andrew's School Student Recital, February 23, 2010. Director, Fred Geiersbach. IX. Apres Un Reve. Violoncello: Katherine Haroldson '12. Recorded in live concert, Engelhard Hall, O'Brien Arts Center.

Audio: Student Recital, 2010 January 8 | "Lagrima"

This is the first of ten pieces performed in a St. Andrew's School Student Recital, January 8, 2010. Director, Fred Geiersbach. I. Lagrima. Guitar: Ho-Chan Chung '12. Recorded in live concert, Engelhard Hall, O'Brien Arts Center.