Bob Moss 1980 Photo This photo of Headmaster Robert Moss was taken during the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration while he was speaking at the Memorial Dinner.
Headmaster Moss 1965 Photo This photo of the second headmaster of St. Andrew's School, Robert A. Moss, was taken in 1965. Bob Moss was headmaster from 1958 - 1976.
Bob Moss and Student Photo This photo was identified by Carl Melamet '74. "Isn't that Joe Meeks '74?"
From the Archive: Robert A. Moss, Headmaster 2015 Document A "From the Archive" tidbit, a profile of second Headmaster, Robert A. Moss
HM Remarks, "St. Andrew's is Fifty Years Old - What Shall We Say?" - 1980 October 4 / Bob Moss 1980 Document Robert A. Moss, the second headmaster of St. Andrew's School from 1958-1976, was invited back to speak at the Fiftieth Anniversary celebration. Bob spoke at the Memorial Dinner and here are his remarks.