Playbill: "Teahouse of the August Moon" / Performed 1981 May - Arts Weekend
Presented by St. Andrew's School. Produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc. Cast: Alex McPheeters, John Schwab, Bret Peters, John Rath, Willie Ill, Kelly Phillips, Missy Walker, Molly Higgins, Clayton, Tom Murray, Treava Milton, Alec Rooney, Hugh Marthinsen, Lydia Jarrett, Zach Vause, Geoff Batchelder, Lela Demby, Nancy Beth Soles, Willie Ill, Lydia Jarrett, Kelly Phillips, Treava Milton, Suya Woo, Geoff Garner. Director: Lee Higgins. Set Designer and Construction: Cole Carothers. Lighting Director: Steve Shriver. Crew: Andrew Oliphant, Geoff Batchelder. Stage Manager: Willie Ill. Sound: Jenny Neal. Costumes: Mary Dunn, Judy Zeigler, Gloria Walker, Lee Higgins, Dot Colburn, Alberta Savin. Makeup: Hilary Frazer, Chris Nomicos, Kevin Grandfield. Scene Changing: Ned Groves, Kevin Grandfield, John Schwab. Prop Mistress: Willie Ill. Special thanks: Mr. Paul Grant, Sergeant Chuck Hydeman of the US Army Recruiting Service, Lela Demby, Cathy and Bill Amos, Muff Caothers, Len Dwinell.