St. Andrew's School Magazine, 2003 Fall
This edition of the SAS Magazine features the following articles; "Building Bridges", Tom Bauhan '82 describes his work in war-ravaged Afghanistan with the U.S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps. "Five Questions with Hick Rowland '58", Stepping down after 10 years as President of the Board of Trustees, Hick reflects on the state of the School. "Redeeming Life on Death Row", Westy Fenhagen '41 writes about reaching out to death row inmates in North Carolina's Raleigh Central Prison. Five new Trustees appointed to the Board: Gay Kenney Browne '78, Andrew C. Florance '82, Garrett J. Hart '78, Arthur M. Miller '70, Deval L. Patrick. New faculty join the SAS community: Nina Barker '99, Gordon Brownlee '75, Pam Brownlee , Stacey Duprey '85, Nora Guyer, Emily Pressman, Jennifer Rehkopf. Peter McLean "Biology teacher honored by Delaware Nature Society", "Faculty Workshop with Michael Thompson", SAS students involved in summer opportunities: Abigail Cain '05, Janet Daniels '04, Liz Hardwick '04, Joe Turley '04, Elijah Weeks '04 and John Gerard '05. "Hurricane Isabel No Match for Cleanup Crews", "Alumni Grateful for SummerQuest Teaching Opportunities", "Eric Boateng '05 Earns National Attention during Summer Basketball Camp", "History Book Published by Brad Bates", Alumni Corportation News "SAS Travel Program: Russian River Cruise - St. Petersburg to Moscow", by David Levinson '53. "The History of St. Andrew's School's Alumni Organizations", by Barry Register '51. In Memory, J. Kirk T. Varnedoe '63. In the Headmasters Remarks, Tad speaks about the importance of "harnessing the power of community life and identity" in schools and colleges. Since 2002, Tad and St. Andrew's Trustee, Sally Pingree are working on a national project that studies issues that have profoundly affected the culture of American colleges and universities. The project, titled "Bringing Theory to Practice," is sponsored by the Englehard Foundation, that seeks to study how engaged learning and community service can help colleges address depression and substance abuse among young men and women. Arts Building Construction Update: Due to the heavy rains from Hurricane Isabel, the work crews took extraordinary measures to protect the site. The Garth received some attention due to the rain. Reconstruction is planned in the future, but not during the academic year. The back cover drawing of the magazine was produced by Natalie Stewart '04. Other noteworthy items include fall metro stops, class notes, from the headmaster, plans for 2004 reunion.