Audio: Orchestra, 2011 February 25 | "Zigeuerweisen (Gypsy Airs)"
The third of four pieces performed by the St. Andrew's School Orchestra on Friday, February 25, 2011. Director, Fred Geiersbach. Violin 1: Courtney Chang '12, John Suh '14, Aaron Chang '14, Julian Ha '12, Lucy Copper '12, Julio Ramirez '12, Chae Jeon '11. Violin 2: Amanda Gahagan '11, Willy Meehan '12, Robin Kim '12, Jessie Duncan '13, Molly Belk '12, Eliza Bell '13. Bass: John MacIntosh '12, James Loftis '14, Henry Weaver '12. Viola: Sam Kang '12, Chris Reisine '11, Will Bowditch '13. Cello: Katherine Haroldson '12, Peter Kang '11, Anand Sundar '14, Clara Lee '14, Andy Jeon '13, Kieran Conaway '13, Megan Hasse '14, Austin Salley '14, Ben Kang '13, Yeojin Kwon '13, Grace Benjamin '12, Sophia Maguire '11. Piano: Jiani Chen '13. Flute: Sangmin Kim '12, Susannah Donoho '13. Oboe: Marco Peghini '11, Nadiri Saunders '13, Libby Lakeman '12. Clarinet: Andrew Leem '11, Michael Yoo '13, Nick Desrosier '13, Ysabel Coss '14. Bassoon: Andrew Jarowenko '12. Bass Clarniet: Martin French '13. Horn: Tony Harding '11, Ben Egan '13, Kelly O'Shea. Trumpet: Bre Pierce '13, Whiting Tennis '11, Eric Peghini '13. Trombone: Will Brown '14, Mollie Gillespie '14. Bass Trombone: Sam Gowen '14. Timpani: Zhibing Fu '13. Percussion: Jawhar Kimbrough '12, Jiani Chen '13, Robert Lee '11. Recorded in live concert in Engelhard Hall, O'Brien Arts Center. Courtney Chang '12, violin soloist.