The Cardinal, School Year 1933-1934, Vol. 4
Fourth volume of the official student newspaper which includes here 5 issues: Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; dating from November 8, 1932 to May 18, 1934.
Issue 1, November 8, 1933 - "St. Andrew's Defeats Friends, 18-12" / "The Cardinal" / "New Headmaster's House to be Constructed" / "Son Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood" / "St. Andrew's Plague Conquered" / "Boathouse Donated by Mr. Belin duPont" / "Sixth Form Showered with Privileges" / "Founder's Granddaughter Baptized" / "St. Andrew's Defeats Friends 18-12" / "St. Andrew's Ties West Nottingham 0-0" / "St. Andrew's Juniors Defeats Tower Hill Juniors 20-0" / "Football Resume" / "Junior Varsity Ties duPont Jayvees 0-0" / "St. Andrew's Juniors Defeated by Tome" / "Minors Trimmed by Middletown in Two Out of Three Games"
Issue 2, December 13, 1933 - "Townsend and Hughes Tried by Librarians" / "Hallowe'en Celebrated Raucously" / "Fifty Dollars Given Library" /"Middletown Safety Council Quizzes Boys" / "Editorial" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "The Best Movie of the Month - The Bowery" / "St. Andrew's Loses to Tower Hill 27-7" / "Soccer" / "St. Andrew's Jrs. Crushed by Gilman 118-Pound Team" / "Riding Becomes Popular" / "Wrestling Postponed" / "Mr. Cameron's Team is Given Banquet" / "Hare and Hounds" / "The Work Squad" / "Varsity Football Banquet" / "Touch Football" / "Vladmir Hwoschinsky" / "New Buildings Rising Rapidly" / "Some Lines on a Boys' Boarding School" / "Vestry Dance Held" / "Minor Notes" / "Thanksgiving Holiday"
Issue 3, February 6, 1934 - "Hampton Quartet Visits School" / "School Visits Wilmington and New Castle" / "'Faithful Meetings'" / "Scientific Society Meeting" / "Fifth Form Dance" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "Settling an Argument, or Which Side to Be On" / "Soccer" / "Best Movie of the Month" / "Construction Squad" / "Boys Visit Franklin Institute" / "Master's Meeting"
Issue 4, March 16, 1934 - "Fifth Form Dance" / "Speaker on Germany" / "Fifth Form Gets Smoking Privilege" / "Lent" / "Commencement Speaker Chosen" / "Mid-Year Examinations" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "St. Andrew's Grapplers Win Over Episcopal" / "Mr. MacInnes Announces 1934 Football Schedule" / "Rowing" / "Winter Sports" / "Baseball" / "Gilman Wrestling Match Cancelled" / "Snowfall" / "The Layton Prize for Spoken English" / "'The Haunted House'" / "Chicken Pox" / "Food for Birds Scattered on Snow" / "Work on the Sixth Form Building" / "St. Andrew's Loan Association"
Issue 5, May 18, 1934 - "Baseball Nine Defeats Tower Hill" / "University of Pennsylvania Defeats St. Andrew's 3-1" / "Work on the Sixth Form Building" / "Educational Records Bureau Tests" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "Interview with Captain Williams" / "St. Andrew's Crushes Archmere" / "Washington College Defeats St. Andrew's" / "Lawrenceville Defeats St. Andrew's Crewmen" / "DuPont Game Called Because of Rain" / "St. Andrew's Downs Middletown" / "Society Column" / "Criss-Cross Club Presents 'Haunted House'" / "Tennis Team Wins Second Love Victory in Match with Friends" / "Montgomery Defeated by Baseball Team" / "St. Andrew's Loses to Tower Hill" / "St. Andrew's Loses to Archmere" / "Tennis Team Defeats Salesianum" / "Sixth Form College Prospects" / "Return Match with Beacom Won, 4-1"
Issue 1, November 8, 1933 - "St. Andrew's Defeats Friends, 18-12" / "The Cardinal" / "New Headmaster's House to be Constructed" / "Son Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood" / "St. Andrew's Plague Conquered" / "Boathouse Donated by Mr. Belin duPont" / "Sixth Form Showered with Privileges" / "Founder's Granddaughter Baptized" / "St. Andrew's Defeats Friends 18-12" / "St. Andrew's Ties West Nottingham 0-0" / "St. Andrew's Juniors Defeats Tower Hill Juniors 20-0" / "Football Resume" / "Junior Varsity Ties duPont Jayvees 0-0" / "St. Andrew's Juniors Defeated by Tome" / "Minors Trimmed by Middletown in Two Out of Three Games"
Issue 2, December 13, 1933 - "Townsend and Hughes Tried by Librarians" / "Hallowe'en Celebrated Raucously" / "Fifty Dollars Given Library" /"Middletown Safety Council Quizzes Boys" / "Editorial" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "The Best Movie of the Month - The Bowery" / "St. Andrew's Loses to Tower Hill 27-7" / "Soccer" / "St. Andrew's Jrs. Crushed by Gilman 118-Pound Team" / "Riding Becomes Popular" / "Wrestling Postponed" / "Mr. Cameron's Team is Given Banquet" / "Hare and Hounds" / "The Work Squad" / "Varsity Football Banquet" / "Touch Football" / "Vladmir Hwoschinsky" / "New Buildings Rising Rapidly" / "Some Lines on a Boys' Boarding School" / "Vestry Dance Held" / "Minor Notes" / "Thanksgiving Holiday"
Issue 3, February 6, 1934 - "Hampton Quartet Visits School" / "School Visits Wilmington and New Castle" / "'Faithful Meetings'" / "Scientific Society Meeting" / "Fifth Form Dance" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "Settling an Argument, or Which Side to Be On" / "Soccer" / "Best Movie of the Month" / "Construction Squad" / "Boys Visit Franklin Institute" / "Master's Meeting"
Issue 4, March 16, 1934 - "Fifth Form Dance" / "Speaker on Germany" / "Fifth Form Gets Smoking Privilege" / "Lent" / "Commencement Speaker Chosen" / "Mid-Year Examinations" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "St. Andrew's Grapplers Win Over Episcopal" / "Mr. MacInnes Announces 1934 Football Schedule" / "Rowing" / "Winter Sports" / "Baseball" / "Gilman Wrestling Match Cancelled" / "Snowfall" / "The Layton Prize for Spoken English" / "'The Haunted House'" / "Chicken Pox" / "Food for Birds Scattered on Snow" / "Work on the Sixth Form Building" / "St. Andrew's Loan Association"
Issue 5, May 18, 1934 - "Baseball Nine Defeats Tower Hill" / "University of Pennsylvania Defeats St. Andrew's 3-1" / "Work on the Sixth Form Building" / "Educational Records Bureau Tests" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "Interview with Captain Williams" / "St. Andrew's Crushes Archmere" / "Washington College Defeats St. Andrew's" / "Lawrenceville Defeats St. Andrew's Crewmen" / "DuPont Game Called Because of Rain" / "St. Andrew's Downs Middletown" / "Society Column" / "Criss-Cross Club Presents 'Haunted House'" / "Tennis Team Wins Second Love Victory in Match with Friends" / "Montgomery Defeated by Baseball Team" / "St. Andrew's Loses to Tower Hill" / "St. Andrew's Loses to Archmere" / "Tennis Team Defeats Salesianum" / "Sixth Form College Prospects" / "Return Match with Beacom Won, 4-1"