St. Andrew's School Magazine, 2015 Fall
This issue opens with a Chapel talk by Headmaster Tad Roach and includes another Chapel Talk by Thomas Lindemann ’16. Nine new faculty members join the school. Neel Puri ’16 presents a paper at Oxford. We go inside the classroom as Giselle Furlonge ’03 teaches Virgil. Faculty members gather for professional learning in the first St. Andrew's Summer Institute. Campus visitors include Polly Dolan ’85 and Ashley (Tompkins) Devery ’85 sharing their work in Tanzania. Closer to home, we see a photo spread of community service efforts including the Mud Run. Summaries from fall sports seasons and photos from the Environmental Orientation are included. Math Department Chair Eric Finch gives the Commencement Address and SAS librarians offer book recommendations. A feature article explores the past, present and future of Amos Hall. The St. Andrew's community loses two longtime teachers, Bill Amos and Larry Walker; both are remembered in comments by Headmaster Tad Roach. Young alumni in college "can't help but connect." Obituaries of John Boyden ’40, Carlos Echeverria ’48, Edwin Hoey ’48, William Groves ’49, Matthew McDermott ’51, David Scherer ’51, William Whitehead ’51, Sidney Congdon ’52, Robert Hough ’53, Robert Oliphant ’53, James Morgan ’62, Barton Conchar ’64, Walter Pratt ’66, Dallett Hemphill ’75, and William Spain ’80.