St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1995 Fall
Alums Bob '75 and Anne Amos '78 are featured on the cover of this issue along with their children Nathan and Sarah. Sportsbeat updates on all things pertaining to spring sports. Music director Marc Cheban writes a feature on Arts Weekend including many photos of students artwork, orchestra, concert choir, and scenes from the spring play. Several pages focusing on Commencement including speaker's remarks, photographs, a list of prizes as well as a list of the Class of 1995's college destinations. Reunion memories are captured on many pages of this magazine. Annual Fund and Leadership Giving figures for the fiscal year can be found in this issue as well as trustee updates. Jeff Lilley '82 reports on vacationing in Vietnam. The In Memory section includes the following: George Brown '37, Phillips Lounsbery '43, Beau Nalle '45, Ian Lothian '61, Thomas Wilson '66, Robert Berray '71, former Headmaster Bob Moss, and librarian Chuck Mandes. A profile on each new member of the faculty is listed. As is the norm, many class notes and photos can be found in this issue.