St. Andrew's School Magazine, 1989 Winter
Much of this issue of the magazine focuses on the filming of the movie Dead Poets Society starring Robin Williams and directed by Peter Weir. Elizabeth Roach's talk that was delivered to faculty and VI formers on playwright Henrik Ibsen is included. Will Speers reports on the state of admissions for the 1988-1989 school year. Photos from Reunion 1988 as well as Homecoming can be found throughout. Philip Cooper Patterson '34, Thomas Favill Clark '36, Walter Edgar '40, Loudon Wainwright, Jr. '42, William MacDonald '45, William Patton, Sr. '46, Jack Vrooman, and Altje Fleming are all honored in the In Memory column. Other articles are St. Andreans in Seoul for the Olympics, New Director of Alumni Giving Doug Price, Seven Varsity Soccer Players Selected for All-Conference, Roy Foster '67 Speaks to Faculty, Teacher Exchange with school in South Africa.