Report of the Headmaster to the Board of Trustees / 1942 - 43
Walden Pell II
Report given to the Board of Trustees on the state of the School by Walden Pell II. The war and the War Effort as performed by the school is the overarching theme of the 1942-1943 yearly report.

Details include Faculty and alumni war service, difficulties with filling employment positions, gas and food rationing, boiler conversion from oil to coal. Wartime Curriculum involving a Program of Coordination across the curriculum is detailed as are other scholastic changes; Military Science taught to older boys for war service preparation; a remedial reading program is fully established.

News of deaths is related including: the Founder's son Richard and grandson Alexis duPont 3rd; Daniel Foley (from coal gas poisoning); 5 Alumni (Gold Star Alumni). Wartime Effort necessarily strains all departments. Student health report contains accounts of a Delaware smallpox scare, measles, mumps, grippe, and a large number of office visits.

Athletics reported on as most successful in School's history as to matches won. Library report contains collection details. Extracurricular details related (School Band has 50 pieces). Chapel report speaks of the Student Vestry distributing $700 in funds. It is noted that Alumn Rev George Culleney's ('34) church in Arkansas was given the original SAS chapel altar, reredos and rail.

It is detailed how the School campus was utilized for various aspects of War Service, and that the School is deemed "an essential establishment" by the War Manpower Commission.

Details of gifts to the School are noted.