Playbill: "Ten Little Indians" / Performed 1986 October - Parents Weekend
Presented by St. Andrew's School. Special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. Cast: John VandermMyde, Betsey Woody, Tomas Puky, Julia Elliott, Oliver Wilcox, Jared Ravich, Keary Jenkins, Chris Fahlen, Catherine Soles, Dan Hermes, Todd Perry, Director: Lee Higgins, Technical Director: Will Kirkwood, Set Construction: Catherine Chesney, Brad Rathbone, John VanderMyde, Julia Elliott, Oliver Wilcox, Jared Ravich, Keary Jenkins, Chis Fahlen, Catherine Soles, Dan Hermes, Todd Perry, John Page. Sound: Marc Cheban, John Niles, Catherine Chesney, Brad Rathbone. Makeup: Christina Robbins and the Cast. Costumes: Lee Higgins. Photography: Bill Carpenter. Program Cover: Mary Chilton, Props: Catherine Chesney, Todd Perry. Ten Little Indian Statues: Molly Higgins. Decorative Art Work: Mark Green, Videotaping: Walt Liefeld. Usherettes: Molly Higgins, Abigail McBride. Special thanks: Tim Carney, Rob DeWees, Mark Green, John Higgins, Walt Liefeld, Mary Loessner, Marlies Patzman, Marijke van Buchem.