Playbill: "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" / Performed 1983 February - Winter Musical
Directed by: Hoover Sutton, Musical Director: Marc Cheban, Music and Lyrics: Frank Loesser, Stage Manager: Boo Percy, Costume and Make up: Lee Higgins, Choreography: Cynthia Laux, Set Construction Director: Howard Fraker, Set Construction Supervisor: Susan Strater, Lighting: Andrew Oliphant, Steve Shriver, Tim Jenkins, Bobby Owns, Sound: Steve Shriver, Boo Percy, Slide Artwork: Kim Stoddard, Cast: Mike Doupe, John Rath, Peter Fallaw, Theo Hartman, Dejda Stancioff, Mike Colins, Valerie Smoot, Alex Stancioff, Phil Smith, Beryl Friel, Peter Price, Plummy Tucker, Tim Abbott, Cindy Tostevin, Ann Cutter, Steve Shriver, Bonnie Hillman, Jackie Paradee, Ann Cutter, Mike Doupe, Paul Keeley, Mark Sipprelle, Steve Shriver, John Pegg, Jennifer cogswell, Catherine Lumsden, Heather Morrow, heather Patzman, Polly Dolan, Kathy Dunton, Catherine Lumsden, Heather Morrow, Jackie Paradee, Kim Stoddard, Mary B. Wallace. Stage Crew: Win Goodbody, Tim Jenkins, Mark Sipprelle, Rich Spry, Props: Dejda and Alex Stancioff, Polly Dolan, Make up: Ann Cutter, Boo Percy, Kim Stoddard, Cindy Tostevin, Jill Phillips, Carpenters: Ward Wallace, Davey Stats. Seamstresses: Lee Higgins, Alex Sargent, Debbie Huntington. Pit Band: Jill Phillips, Mike Walker, Desh Hindle, Brent Geissinger, Peter Fallaw, Anne Horton, Karl Pupke, Maylene Hugh, Alan Aikens, Mike Whalen, Larry Walker, Sr. Special thanks to: Mary Dunn, Webster Wheelock, J.T. Taylor, Vaughn Dashiell, Walter Liefeld, Laura Loessner, Craig Kiker, Fred Amrein, Sam Simmons, Pete Connolly, Wiliam Carpenter. Program: Valerie Smoot and Jennifer Cogswell, Program Cover: Beryl Friel