Photo: Polar Bear Special Olympics Plunge - Remote Version
The Rev. Jay Hutchinson gets ready to dip into Noxontown Pond for the February 2021 Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge as a remote participant of the annual event, which (during non-pandemic years) takes place in Lewes DE.
The students of the SAS Special Olympics Committee wrote to the Community via email on February 2, "We are excited to announce that we will continue the tradition of the Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge. The virtual Polar Bear Plunge will take place on Sunday, February 7th with Special Olympics DE." [SAS was operating virtually during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic and the student body was sequestered away from the School.]
The students of the SAS Special Olympics Committee wrote to the Community via email on February 2, "We are excited to announce that we will continue the tradition of the Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge. The virtual Polar Bear Plunge will take place on Sunday, February 7th with Special Olympics DE." [SAS was operating virtually during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic and the student body was sequestered away from the School.]