Photo: Football Scoreboard Panels, Various from 1937 to 1957 | "The Story of the Panels"
From the donor:
Circa 1960, St. Andrew's School

"A maintenance staff carpenter, while working on a renovation project at St. Andrew's School, noticed a pile of debris slated for disposal. In the pile were perfectly good wooden panels. Never wanting to throw away good lumber, the carpenter salvaged the panels and took them home. He put them in a storage shed, as he did so often with good unwanted wood gathered from various work sites over the span of his career.

The carpenter died in 1978. His wife retained ownership of the home until her death in 2011. The carpenter's son rented the home until it's sale in 2016. When cleaning out the shed, the carpenter's son found the wooden panels. Being cut from the same cloth as his father, he too put the panels aside instead of discarding them as trash. He noticed they were painted with scores from various football seasons at St. Andrew's School spanning the years 1937-1957. The family then decided to see if St. Andrew's was at all interested in their return."

The panels, once regarded as disposable debris, the family now returns to a grateful school who, in this new day and age, welcomes them home as valuable historic artifacts.