The Cardinal, School Year 2000-2001, Vol. 70
70th volume of the official student newspaper which includes here just 1 issue.

"School gets a face-lift: Boys' Dorms May Be Next", Hope McGrath '01/ "A chef with many talents", Emily Behl '01/ "The new direction of the Cardinal"/ "Thoughts on the Senior Smoke-In" Tyler Grove '03/ "New faculty share their hopes for SAS", Piper Monk '01/ "A look at the tradition and fate of the Senior Smoke-In": "A tradition to keep", Eddie Reynolds '02 vs. "A senseless hypocrisy", Crystal Elie '02/ "The fate of the Senior Smoke-In to be decided this year" Kevin Rosenthal/ "Committee leaders set ambitious goals" Jessica Dillon and Lizzie Lea/ "2000 yearbook arrives" Yi Liu '01/ "Wild Fires are Brought Close to Home by Eyewitness Andreans" Lizze Lea '02/ "Mr. O'Brien's back" Tommy Burns/ "Girls' crew first boat at Henley" Molly Ruane '03/ "Girls' Lacrosse second at States" Molly Ruane '03/ "No Payne, no gain" Piper Monk '01/