The Cardinal, School Year 1972-1973, Vol. 44
Volume 44, along with volume 43, completes The Cardinal's 1972-1973 year. The issues in this volume are not correctly assigned to volume 43. Issue 4 is dated April 1973, and issue 5 is dated June 1973.

April 1973 - "French - Canadian Exchange Expands Dimensions of St. Andrew's Education", Kevin Flaherty / "John Brown's Body Lies Ahead", Tom Gleason / "Creativity at its Best:
Becket Dazzling Success", Kurt Benz / "Aquatic Sciences Come on Stong in Miniterm", Will Mastin / "CRIS Conference Held at St. Andrew's" / "On Coining to Grips with the Generation Gap" R.K.F / "Coeducation: Another Perspective", Marc Ben-Salahuddin / "The Miniterm In Retrospect Drama Workshop Plays Big Part in Program", Dick Poole / "Finance: A Wave of Capitalism Hits SAS", Tom Lawton / "Students Dig Archaeology", Rob Wendt / "Miniterm Evaluation" / "SAS — Gunston Vocalists Present 7th Annual Concert" / "Spring Sports On The Path To Success", Bob McLaughlin

June 1973 - "New Rule Begins", John Mincks / "On the Lighter Side or What's this in the Laundry", Jack Schreppler / "Where Did Jefferson Go Wrong?" Rob Wendt / "Food at S.A.A. To Beef or Not to Beef...", FMK / "On the Bane of Cutting" RFK / "Why School - Maintenance Relations Must Be Tidied Up", RKF / Letter to the Editor, Jeff Petty / "Will Drama Survive?" RJV / "Cornucopia of Prizes Awarded", Dwaine Breger / "Music: Jim Croce", Greg Moon / "Rocking with Rick", Rick Vach