The Cardinal, School Year 1940-1941, Vol. 11
Eleventh volume of the official student newspaper which includes here 7 issues, Numbers 1-7; dating from October 1940 to June 1941.
Issue 1, October 1940 - "School Commemorates Tenth Anniversary" / "Dr. Ogilby of Trinity College Chief Speaker" / "Mr. Lynnly Wilson Joins Faculty" / "In Memoriam" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "Editorial: New School Bus???" / "New Football Field To Be Made" / "St. Andreana" / "Alumni News" / "Camera Club Elects Officers" / "New Brides Begin Life At S. A. S" / "Child Born To Machines' During Summer" / "Mr. Button Returns From Sabbatical" / "Saints Open Season With Victory" / "Six Man Football Continued This Year" / "Jay Vees Trounced in Opener" / "Saints Bow To Chestnut Hill 14-7" / "Faculty Housing Rearranged" / "School Hit By Ptomaine Poisoning"
Issue 2, November 1940 - "Saints Defeat Tower Hill, 8-7" / "Willkie Carries School 78-41" / "School Pledges 600 Dollars to Church" / "Joel Austin Wins First Prize in Amateur Show" / "St. Andreana" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "Mike Dorzias Lectures on South America" / "Editorial: Beating the System" / "Author of School Textbook
Lectures on 'How to Study'" / "St. Andrew's Nosed Out By Friends 7-0" / "Jayvees Defeated Twice" / "Jayvees Drop Finale To Tome"
Issue 3, December 1940 - "James Thomas Awarded Lawson Trophy" / "Young Love on the St. Andrew's Campus" / "W. H. Whyte's, '35, Play 'We Rileys' to be Produced by Criss-Cross Club" / "Dr. Menzies Van Zandt, Famous Pianist, Gives Recital" / "In Memoriam" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "Editorial: Cheating" / "St. Andreana" / "Alumni News" / "Mr. Richard Barren Takes Over Music Department" / "Honor Committee Formed In Student Body" / "Henry McCorkle to Sing at Candlelight Service" / "Letter: The following is a letter from an English schoolmaster to Mr. Maclnnes which sums up the British feeling on the war." / "Speaking of Sports" / "Wrestling Outlook Uncertain" / "Good Basketball Season Anticipated" / "Squash to be Continued As Usual"
Issue 4, February 1941 - "Editors Capture Jackrabbit" / "Saints Five Tops Tower Hill" / "Senior Dance Features 'Aid for Britain'" / "Henry Sullivan Takes Lead in 'We Rileys'" / "Movies Shown of Church's Work in Liberia" / "Editorial: The Plight of Publications" / Letter to the Editor: Paul White / "Colton Leads School at Christmas Marks" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "St. Andreana" / "Alumni News" / "Boy Born to the Huttons" / "Wrestlers Lose to George School 20-11" / "Grapplers Lose to Blind School" / "Varsity Five Wins 4, Loses 3" / "Match Close Until
Final Bout" / "Jayvees Drop Opener to Tower Hill"
Issue 5, March 1941 - "Ben Cutler's Orchestra plays at Winter Dance" / "'We Rileys' Scores Great Success" / "Daughter Born to the Tonks on March 5" / "Dr. Bernard I. Bell Conducts Five-day Mission" / "Holders Return
From Sabbatical" / "Sixth Formers & Faculty to Visit Du Pont Plantation at Easter" / "Mr. Barren to Remain as Permanent Member of the Faculty" / "Editorial: Farewell" / "Cardinal's Nest" / "St. Andreana" / "Alumni News" / "Noted Society Band Specializes in Sweet Music" / "Four Movies Shown" / "Saint's Lose Thriller to St. Paul" / "Speaking of Sports" / "Matmen Defeat Tome, Bow to Lawrenceville" / "Jayvees Beat Tower Hill in Finale" / "Game Won in Last Minute"
Issue 6, April 1941 - "New Addition to be Started May 10th" / "Mr. Hutton Joins the Army" / "Rev. Earle W. Huckel Joins Faculty" / "Daughter Born To Schoonovers On April 19th" / "Colton Again Leads School At Easter Marks" / "Cardinal's Nest" / "Editorial: Comments" / "8th Graduation Exercises to be Held June 7" / "St. Andreana" / "Stamp Club Holds Exhibit" / "Spring Dance May 10th" / "Alumni News" / "S. A. S. Nine Wins First Three" / "Crew Prospects Good" / "Tennis Team Shaping Up Well" / "Golf Made Regular Sport" / "JayVees Win Two"
Issue 7, June 1941 - "School loses Three Masters" / "Crew Takes Kings Cup" / "Spring Dance Held May 10" / "Mr. Scott Gives Chemistry Exhibit" / "Fifth Formers Take Over Dining Room Duties" / "Cardinal's Nest" / "Editorial" / "Mr. Fulner Speaks on World Situation" / "St. Andreana" / "Alumni News" / "School Visits Philadelphia" / "School Holds Outdoor Service" / "Crew Trims Princeton Freshmen 150's" / "Baseball Team Breaks Even" / "Netmen Beat Valley Forge" / "Jayvees Nose Out Clayton" / "Golfers Trim Germantown" / "Vikings Lead Acheans"
Issue 1, October 1940 - "School Commemorates Tenth Anniversary" / "Dr. Ogilby of Trinity College Chief Speaker" / "Mr. Lynnly Wilson Joins Faculty" / "In Memoriam" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "Editorial: New School Bus???" / "New Football Field To Be Made" / "St. Andreana" / "Alumni News" / "Camera Club Elects Officers" / "New Brides Begin Life At S. A. S" / "Child Born To Machines' During Summer" / "Mr. Button Returns From Sabbatical" / "Saints Open Season With Victory" / "Six Man Football Continued This Year" / "Jay Vees Trounced in Opener" / "Saints Bow To Chestnut Hill 14-7" / "Faculty Housing Rearranged" / "School Hit By Ptomaine Poisoning"
Issue 2, November 1940 - "Saints Defeat Tower Hill, 8-7" / "Willkie Carries School 78-41" / "School Pledges 600 Dollars to Church" / "Joel Austin Wins First Prize in Amateur Show" / "St. Andreana" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "Mike Dorzias Lectures on South America" / "Editorial: Beating the System" / "Author of School Textbook
Lectures on 'How to Study'" / "St. Andrew's Nosed Out By Friends 7-0" / "Jayvees Defeated Twice" / "Jayvees Drop Finale To Tome"
Issue 3, December 1940 - "James Thomas Awarded Lawson Trophy" / "Young Love on the St. Andrew's Campus" / "W. H. Whyte's, '35, Play 'We Rileys' to be Produced by Criss-Cross Club" / "Dr. Menzies Van Zandt, Famous Pianist, Gives Recital" / "In Memoriam" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "Editorial: Cheating" / "St. Andreana" / "Alumni News" / "Mr. Richard Barren Takes Over Music Department" / "Honor Committee Formed In Student Body" / "Henry McCorkle to Sing at Candlelight Service" / "Letter: The following is a letter from an English schoolmaster to Mr. Maclnnes which sums up the British feeling on the war." / "Speaking of Sports" / "Wrestling Outlook Uncertain" / "Good Basketball Season Anticipated" / "Squash to be Continued As Usual"
Issue 4, February 1941 - "Editors Capture Jackrabbit" / "Saints Five Tops Tower Hill" / "Senior Dance Features 'Aid for Britain'" / "Henry Sullivan Takes Lead in 'We Rileys'" / "Movies Shown of Church's Work in Liberia" / "Editorial: The Plight of Publications" / Letter to the Editor: Paul White / "Colton Leads School at Christmas Marks" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "St. Andreana" / "Alumni News" / "Boy Born to the Huttons" / "Wrestlers Lose to George School 20-11" / "Grapplers Lose to Blind School" / "Varsity Five Wins 4, Loses 3" / "Match Close Until
Final Bout" / "Jayvees Drop Opener to Tower Hill"
Issue 5, March 1941 - "Ben Cutler's Orchestra plays at Winter Dance" / "'We Rileys' Scores Great Success" / "Daughter Born to the Tonks on March 5" / "Dr. Bernard I. Bell Conducts Five-day Mission" / "Holders Return
From Sabbatical" / "Sixth Formers & Faculty to Visit Du Pont Plantation at Easter" / "Mr. Barren to Remain as Permanent Member of the Faculty" / "Editorial: Farewell" / "Cardinal's Nest" / "St. Andreana" / "Alumni News" / "Noted Society Band Specializes in Sweet Music" / "Four Movies Shown" / "Saint's Lose Thriller to St. Paul" / "Speaking of Sports" / "Matmen Defeat Tome, Bow to Lawrenceville" / "Jayvees Beat Tower Hill in Finale" / "Game Won in Last Minute"
Issue 6, April 1941 - "New Addition to be Started May 10th" / "Mr. Hutton Joins the Army" / "Rev. Earle W. Huckel Joins Faculty" / "Daughter Born To Schoonovers On April 19th" / "Colton Again Leads School At Easter Marks" / "Cardinal's Nest" / "Editorial: Comments" / "8th Graduation Exercises to be Held June 7" / "St. Andreana" / "Stamp Club Holds Exhibit" / "Spring Dance May 10th" / "Alumni News" / "S. A. S. Nine Wins First Three" / "Crew Prospects Good" / "Tennis Team Shaping Up Well" / "Golf Made Regular Sport" / "JayVees Win Two"
Issue 7, June 1941 - "School loses Three Masters" / "Crew Takes Kings Cup" / "Spring Dance Held May 10" / "Mr. Scott Gives Chemistry Exhibit" / "Fifth Formers Take Over Dining Room Duties" / "Cardinal's Nest" / "Editorial" / "Mr. Fulner Speaks on World Situation" / "St. Andreana" / "Alumni News" / "School Visits Philadelphia" / "School Holds Outdoor Service" / "Crew Trims Princeton Freshmen 150's" / "Baseball Team Breaks Even" / "Netmen Beat Valley Forge" / "Jayvees Nose Out Clayton" / "Golfers Trim Germantown" / "Vikings Lead Acheans"