The Cardinal, School Year 1932-1933, Vol. 3
Third volume of the official student newspaper which includes here 5 issues: Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; dating from November 19, 1932 to April 14, 1932. Number 6 of Volume 3 is missing.

Issue 1, November 19, 1932 - "Three Political Speeches" / "Landon School Entertained" / "New Boys" / "Trustees Hold Meeting" / "Dave Cain Leaves School" / "School Meeting" / "The Cardinal's Nest" / "Short Movie Program Shown in Common Room Entertainment Committee Have Many Events Planned" / "Water Rule Changed" / "Mr. MacInnes' Marriage" / "St. Andrew's Defeats Middltown 6-0" / "Landon Game" / "duPont Defeats St. Andrew's" / "St. Andrew's Juniors Lose to Tower Hill" / "St. Andrew's Midgets Play Scoreless Tie" / "St. Andrew's is Beaten by Tower Hill"

Issue 2, December 12, 1932 - "Talk by Mr. Wilbert Smith" / "Old Clothes Sent to Mountaineer Boys" / "Plays to be Given" / "Fire Drill" / "Birds" / "Annual Thanksgiving Proclamation" / "Winter Exercise" / "Thanksgiving Day" / "Cardinal's Nest" / "St. Andrew's Day" / "Varsity Awards" / "Junior Varsity" / "St. Andrew's Ties West Nottingham 6-6" / "Awards to Midget Team" / "Tower Hill Defeats Mr. Schmolze's Team 13-6" / "duPont Defeats St. Andrew's" / "Election of Football Captain" / "Junior Team Banquet" / "Archmere Game Cancelled" / "A Frightful Incident"

Issue 3, January 28, 1933 - "Talk by Commander O'Brien" / "Relief for Unemployed" / "Scientific Society" / "Fifth Form Dance" / "Trip to Aberdeen" / "Cinema" / "Scott Lytle Injures Arm" / "Cardinal's Nest" / "White List This Year and Last" / "Mid-Year Examinations" / "Meetings with Advisors Changed" / "Chapel Servers" / "Altar Boys Guild" / "Wrestling" / "Baseball" / "Crew" / "Wrestling Match" / "Six Weeks Marks" / "Football Letters" / "Soccer" / "Boys See 'Hamlet'"

Issue 4, February 25 1933 - "Dance" / "Fifth Form Meet with Mr. Pell" / "Trip to Prison" / "Week-end" / "Movie" / "Vestry Election" / "Cardinal's Nest" / "Church Pledges" / "Chalk Throwing" / "Mid-Year Grades" / "Gifts to the School" / "Wrestling and Boxing" / "Delegation to Buck Hill Falls" / "Crew" / "Basketball" / "Skating" / "Football Manager" / "Fifth Form on White List" / "Lenten Services" / "Inauguration Trip" / "Green Pastures" / "Steele Operated on for Appendicitis" / "Legalization of Smoking" / "Buck Hill Falls' Conference" / "Two Plays Presented" / "Spring Vacation" / "Mr. Smith Addresses School for Second Time" / "Saturday Matinees" / "New Editor-in-Chief of Cardinal" / "Practice Game with Middletown" / "Wrestling Bouts" / "Baseball Season Practice Starts" / "Second Team Baseball" / "Rowing Season Begins"