The Cardinal, 2012 May 9, Vol. 79, No. 4
The 79th volume, 4th issue of the official student newspaper, May 9, 2012.
(This issue of The Cardinal is incorrectly numbered).
Prom weekend recap / Kara McDonough '12; #Occupy Childers / Kevin Dowling '12 and Chaitanya Singhania '12; Prom night: The pilgrimage to "Mecca" / Anonymous; Heightening violence in Syria / Kara McDonough '12; Trayvon Martin case / Kara McDonough '12; Leap year: The extra second / Jiani Chen '13; The plight of the sophomore class / Clara Lee '14; Arts majors go national / Liz Pomeroy '12; Sky Jones: Artistic mastermind / Buie Fox '12; Spring playlist / Maggie Rogers '12; Women's crew / Katie Toothman '12; Women's tennis / Kara McDonough '12; Men's tennis / Michael Ding '12; Athlete of the fortnight: Sam Cochran '12; Men's baseball / Jake Myers '12; NBA playoffs predictions/ Pep Ruckpanich '13; Women's lacrosse / Molly Belk '12 and Grace Saliba '12; Men's crew / Rob Rassmussen '12; The Cooper Cup / David Ashpole '12; Insight into a fantastic freshman: An interview with Izzy Navarro / Kara McDonough '12; Tips for healthy living / Michelle Kim '15; Critters occupy Baum: An interview / Mason Dufresne '13; Green Mein, winning machine / Bella Lilly '13; Triathalon trainers / Eunice Song '14; Spring is all about the new / Moniher Deb '15; Top 10 best dressed students / Helen Cammerzell '13, Betsy Neill '13 and Liza Tarbell '13; Dance gets even better / Cindy Jung '15; Cardinal crossword; Letter from the Editors