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Group: Chapel Talks: Student, Media Type: Documents


Chapel Talk, 2014 May 30 / Fabian Geef ' 15

For the 2013-2014 school year, our ASSIST* student was Fabian Geef '15. Traditionally, the final Chapel Talk of the year is held on the Front Lawn and is given by the Assist Student. This is Fabian's talk.

*Each year, St...

Chapel Talk, 2013 May 31: Carpe Diem / Erika Goteman '14

For the 2012-2013 school year, St. Andrews had two Assist Students*: Erika Goteman '14 and Jasper Haritz '14. Traditionally, the final Chapel Talks of the year are held on the Front Lawn and are given by the Assist Students...

Chapel Talk, 2006 September 22 / Tania Maatouk '09

Tania Maatouk, class of '09, was home for the summer in Beirut when on July 12, 2006 war broke out in Lebanon. In this talk, she describes the events she experienced when the Israelis bombed the country...