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Collection: Chapel Talks, Media Type: Documents


Chapel Talk, 2021 September 11: Reflections / Stephen Mufuka

Twenty years after the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, religious Studies teacher Stephen Mufuka recalls his own experience in New York City and reflects on the principle of being called to serve which formed his decision to re-enlist in the Ma..

Chapel Talk, 2020 January 8 / Tad Roach

In preparing the School for a trip to see the movie adaptation of Bryan Stevenson's book "Just Mercy", Headmaster Tad Roach speaks of Stevenson's profound justice work and his motivations in that work...

Chapel Talk, 2020 February 12 / Jason Kunen

In this Chapel Talk, Religious Studies teacher Jason Kunen describes his coming to understand what it means to "hold the space", "to maintain a space of awareness" that influences people in a positive way...

Chapel Talk, 2020 October 21 / Lou Berl

In this talk, Head Girl's Crew Coach Lou Berl walks through what she's learned as a high school and college athlete, and what she has taught her athletes as a college and high school coach: through positive visualization and mental imagery, an athlet..

Chapel Talk, 2019 January 30: Sabbatical / Mark Hammond

In speaking on his sabbatical year working in a refugee camp and on a farm in England, physics teacher Mark Hammond explores what it means to be broken, how we all - as part of the human condition - are broken, and how that brokenness can teach us "h..

Chapel Talk, 2019 February 13 / Terence Gilheany

Through telling the tale of a serious accident in his boyhood, History and Religious Studies teacher Terence Gilheany relays how his mother and he were lifted up and sustained by a caring community...

Chapel Talk, 2019 March 20, 2019: The Unseen / Will Speers

In examining "Wuthering Heights" papers written by 3 of his students, English teacher Will Speers, discovers why he is drawn to teaching novels involving unseen, ghostly characters of an 'indiscernible world': "nothing that truly matters in your life..

Chapel Talk, 2019 September 15: Old St. Anne's / Tad Roach

The School community gathered for its annual Fall Service at Old St. Anne's where Headmaster Tad Roach spoke of St. Andrew's founding mission of commitment to financial aid; and of how that mission continues to be instrumental in forming the St...

Chapel Talk, 2019 November 13 / Whiz Hutchinson

In this, her first Chapel Talk in 20 years, Dean of Wellness Whiz Hutchinson relays her list of 8 things that are important for everyone to be able to state: please; thank you; can I help you?; can you help me?; I made a mistake; I'm sorry; I forgiv..

Chapel Talk, 2019 October 16 / Tad Roach

Headmaster Tad Roach addresses the community on his and Elizabeth's plans to retire from the School in June 2021. He speaks of how St. Andrew's gave him his calling, where his work has been "the fundamental expression of [his] heart and soul."

Chapel Talk, 2018 May 27: Baccalaureate / Louisa Zendt '78

Addressing the Class of 2018, retiring Head of Admissions Louisa Hemphill Zendt '78 reflects upon what drew her to return to St. Andrew's 21 years ago, and the enduring connection St. Andreans will experience throughout their lives.