Report of the Headmaster to the Board of Trustees / 1944-1945
Walden Pell II
Report given to the Board of Trustees on the state of the School by Walden Pell, II.
This report opens describing this year as both joyous and sorrowful, the war having been won, but not without the sacrifice of many.

Founding teacher Granville Hudson Sherwood death and service is recorded.
Faculty housing presented as an urgent problem; Corbit Mansion in Odessa purchased and refurbished; no town rentals available. Faculty shortages noted; wives filling-in to teach. Staff marriages and deaths recorded. Kitchen and laundry staffs commended; Maintenance department especially commended.

Curriculum changes in science department; retirement of original sailboats; discipline reportedly less trouble than previous year - save for a "surface disorder"; smoking rules changes noted. Student health data includes office visits; student homesickness rife - it is surmised due to war strain; insect reduction noted to use of DDT, "help[ing] remove a possible source of illness". The play "Seven Keys to Baldpate" was performed; printing costs curtailed publications, which led to mimeographed news sheets.

Chapel: baptistry completed, and 75th baptism performed; handbook compiled for Acolytes and Sacristans.

Campus summer use outlined.

21 Gold Stars on Service Flag, symbolizing 21 Alumni deaths during the War. Establishment of Alumni War Memorial discussed, with a War Memorial Fund established. Sherwood Memorial Fund also founded. Commencement prizes established: Frazier Prize for Outstanding Service, and the James Craik Morris prize. Rev. Pell discusses post-war curricula.